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September 18, 2004
Gold Canyon – Dinosaur

Paul Koury nearly broke his arms when he tried to catch a refrigerator his wife threw at him. He had the bruises to prove it and he could barely lift his arms, but he hit every fairway and his short game was on fire. His team Conrad Hofert gambled and dumped long time partner Paul Bealor hoping for a chance to finally win an Annual Tournament. Paul Koury and Conrad teamed up to win the A-flight with a team score of 62.

This proves that Annual Partee players will go to great lengths to win a tournament. Yes sir, dump a partner, catch the fridge, and force your opponents to run their golf cart into a tree. We'll revisit the cart into tree later.
Todd Minder and Greg Canoy won the B-flight with a score of 63. Doug Moriarty teamed with Patti Gee to win the C-flight with an outstanding score of 56. Patti is a familiar figure in the winner's circle, but how about the ATT domination, Doug, Greg, and Todd?

A-Flight: Paul Koury & Conrad Hofert – 62
B-Flight: Todd Minder & Greg Canoy – 63
C-Flight: Patti Gee & Doug Moriarty – 56
Jenny Tobin – Closest to the pin, 4 in
Kim Jones – Closest to the pin, 5 ft
Harley Cogswell – Closest to the pin, 7ft
Phil Lolmaugh – Closest to the pin, 10ft
Karen Behrens – Closest to the pin, 5ft
Lou Patrie – Closest to the pin, 4 ft
Patti Gee – Longest Drive Ladies, 300 yd
David Hicks – Longest Drive Men, 310 yd

Next Tournament
San Marcos – Saturday October 23, 2004

19th Hole: Jenny Tobin almost got a hole-in-one on the 2nd hole. Everybody said that the ball was 4 inches away. Ben who owns 2 holes in one in the Annual Tournaments asked, “was it a hole in one?” NO! “Then shut the @#$% up!”

Sue Thew who partnered with Big Sal got tired of looking for his lost balls. She finally figured out that what was long and straight for Big Sal was not his putter.

Jim Nibali and Bryan Schultz figured if they can't win at golf, then they'll win the golf cart race. They tried to run their opponents Harley and Barbara Cogswell off the cart path, missed and ended up hitting a tree. How the heck do you hit a tree in the desert?

Ben reveals that the reason Neil Herslow is tough and scary is that he's a kung fu artist, a biker, and a Samoan. He can block your best punch with his head and he's always sniffing around the ladies looking for Some-moe.

Karen Behrens says that she played her heart out to get their team score to six under par. Paul (her husband) with his new clubs did not help. Paul says that he was saving his contribution for later and he's not going to hold back on the strokes.

The barbeque at Jerome Daniels house after the tournament was excellent. Ken Daniels (Jerome's dad) says after a shot of tequila that even at 6'6” and 290 lbs he could still whoop Jerome. Mike Schmidt then took his shot and said that he could whoop 2 Jeromes.

September 18, 2004
A Word From Predsident Ed Anderson

I would like to offer my congratulations to the President of the ATT/Honeywell/IBM weekly Partee League Bob Mansollilo and his staff for doing an outstanding job this year. We had a great time this year at Club West and we're all looking forward to next year. If you're looking to start a weekly league in your company and need some tips and hints to do it right, then get hold of Bob, he's your man. I also wanted to welcome our guests from the Avenet Golf Club, President Steve Wake and member Billy Loe. Steve and Billy wanted to set up a challenge match between the Avenet and the Annual Partee Club. Stay tuned for more correspondence regarding that challenge. We did ask our team of Marc Cherwin and Richard Le June to give Steve and Billy a little taste of the Partee, but with clear instructions to not open a can of “whop-ass” early into negotiations.

Finally club members, our apologies for the stats as we lost our laptop at Gold Canyon. This is not a showstopper as we've survived seven years of Annual Golf without a laptop. We also have the Handicap and Tournament Mgr on a Desk Top computer and it is completely backed-up. Don't forget to sign up early for our next tournament at San Marcos on Saturday October 23rd. The course is in excellent shape and we're getting it at a great price. San Marcos is the oldest golf course in Arizona.

Thank You, Ed

Letters to Sam Owen
Dear Sam,
I do want to ask President Bob Mansolillo some questions about starting a weekly golf league in my company. We do have a monthly league, but we would like a weekly league like the ATT/Honeywell/IBM. I don't know Bob and also what is the best way to get information from Bob so I can get started.
Signed, Show Low

Dear No Show,
You can talk to Bob and ask him anything you want at the next tournament. He is the muscular

gentleman with nice hair and nice breath. Hmmm, that's the description of all the guys at the Annual Partee Club. Ask Ben to point Bob out at the next tournament.

Dear Sam,
I think Tim is cute and want to ask him out for a date. Do you think Debbie would mind if I were to ask Tim out.
Signed, Independently Single

Dear Single,
Rumors have it that Tim is expensive and you will need to speak to Debbie about price. I heard that to play golf with Tim is expensive. I don't know about lap dance and other stuff in his arsenal. You might want to start at the bottom with Neil and Denny. Rumor has it that those guys are cheap.

Dear Sam,
How come the newsletter doesn't come out on the Monday after the tournament, why the delay? Sometimes the newsletter come out Wednesday, then sometimes Friday, why the inconsistency.
Signed, On Time All The Time

Dear Time,
The Annual Letter comes out the week following the tournament. Reasons as follows: The 19th hole is great source of information for the newsletter. Folks were delayed getting in because they got lost out there on the course. We have to wait for all the emails to come in and articles that people may want to see printed in the newsletter. Also because we only print factual information, we have to verify with two sources before we can print. If you only want to see statistics, then we could easily print that information consistently every Monday after the tournament. Note to all club members, if you would like to write an article for the newsletter send your article to Sam.Owen@direcway.com. Your article will not be printed if it is mean spirited, politically incorrect, and suck.

We will use the following page for ads and club records next month. Send in your ads or up coming events and I will print it on the following page.