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October 28th, 2006
Results At Hillcrest
Fall is in full swing – chilly mornings and perfect afternoon temperatures. You can tell its fall; Sol has donned his china doll look – socks with flip flops. We started out the morning with jackets, trying to stay warm, and taking bets on which club Dee would wrap around Neil's throat – come to find out it wasn't Neil she went after at all.

This was the first time we've played at Hillcrest – the course was in great shape, but had a lot of water, and boy, was that rough challenging. More balls were lost in the rough than in the water! The course was tough on the ParTee members, over 90% of us shot over our handicaps. But, we all had a great time – the APGC would like to thank everyone for making the long trek out to Sun City West. We tried to make the trip worth while for more people, so we paid out 1st, 2nd, and 5th in each flight this month.

Larry Reeves is regretting inviting his son this month, he beat good 'ole Dad out of 1st place in the A-flight with his partner Rick Chrisinowski with a score of 66. Second place went to Joe Ciccaglione & Richard Brockoff with a 67 and 5th went to Ben Cartago and his new ringer partner Joy (3 handicap) Dubsky.

The B-flight shot the best scores this month. It was good to see the Kravers again - they made a dominating return by winning with a score of 62 – I wonder where they've been practicing? Second place went to Phil Carlyle & Bob Shorbert with a 62 and Mike Cerwinski & Roger Scott took 5th place with a 65. Mike & Roger also

won the side action- that'll teach Denny to miss an outing.

For the second month in a row we had a tie for 1st place in the C-Flight with two scores of 62. Frank Armenta & Sam Gallardo elbowed out Marc Neil & Bob Turner for first place. For the second time Marc & Bob had to settle for second place. 5th place went to Debbie Williams & Tim O'Pry with a 71.

Longest Drive
By finally hitting the ball well & keeping it in the fairway, both don't normally happen at once, Marc Postovit won the longest drive for the men. Our new 3 handicapper proved herself nicely by winning the women's longest drive – great job and welcome to Joy Dubsky. Dee Thompson finally has some competition.

Other Results
Closest to the Pin # 3 – Gary Gronowski, # 8 – Ben Cartago, # 14 – Larry Reeves # 17 – Roger Scott Longest Putt - # 9 – Bob Turner

AnnualPartee: Rule Number One
The AnnualPartee Club's number one rule is written as thus: All club members must go home after every tournament and have wild sex with their loved one for four hours. The number one rule was created to promote golf and family values. To bring husbands, wives, boyfriend, girlfriend closer and not apart.

And since we're so close to Halloween, don't forget to add that 'trick or treat' aspect to your sex life.

October 28th, 2006
A Word From President Ed

There have been some complaints regarding the accuracy of our handicapping system. The computer software we use utilizes the USGA handicapping formula. The rules on how these formulas work, the number of scores that used to create an index and how a handicap is calculated for a specific course are all posted on the APGC web site. And you can find further information on the USGA web site. If a player does not have an established handicap, we take their word for the first tournament and will adjust it if it's way off their score. All of our player's score and handicap histories are also posted. Hopefully this will clear up any confusion.

Last month we announced a new contributing Editor. She's now over her initial shyness, so I would like to formally introduce you to Sam's cousin, Mia Isabella Owen. She'll be helping Sam and Shorty Lisp out.

As most of you noticed, Denny Andrew wasn't able to be with us this month as he had to fly back the Midwest to attend a friend's funeral. Denny our sympathies are with you.

More 19th Hole

Neil and Dee were in the same pairing on Sat. and many of us were wondering if he'd make it through alive. As it turned out, Neil just ended up with shaft envy of Dee's driver. He said it's always about the shaft.

Five stud muffins held Debbie Williams across their arms for a photo opportunity as they waited on one of the par 3s. We were going to post the photo in the newsletter because Debbie looked sexy. But we can't. Because Santosh and Ben I mean two of the five had their hands on Debbie's, how shall we say, inappropriate parts. The other muffins kept their hands on the appropriate parts. I vote that we punish the three muffins not taking advantage of the opportunities when they present themselves. As punishment, we should send them to look for Pres Ed's lost Balls.

Letters to Sam Owen:

Dear Sam,
We found a new Titlist golf ball all over the course and we'd like to know where to get these new Titlist eD balls and, do you know what the eD stands for? Signed Ball Hunter

Dear Paul,
I believe the eD should stand for extra distance. But through further research, I'm guessing you found all of these balls in the rough of the course or out of bounds. We found it actually stands for Ed, as in Anderson. He writes his name on his Titlist balls, so that explains why his golf bag was so light afterward – no beer or balls left.

Dear Sam,
What does your cousin Mia Isabella look like? Does she play in our tournaments? Signed Curious

Dear Paul,
You got too much time on your hands sending us these questions. She does play in our tournaments. She's the one who hits the ball far and straight when she wriggles her butt before the swing. I wasn't looking because I'm married, but that's how it was described to me.

Dear Sam,
Our team used to dominate the win column in our tournaments, but we have not won or even gotten close to sniffing out a 2nd or fifth place win. Do you think it's time to change partners. Signed, Loser

Dear Todd,
Greg is a good partner and he's got a lot of golf left in him. He got married last year, so he's more focused on rushing home to execute the club's number one rule. Executing the clubs number one rule takes precedence over golf and he's encouraged to continue.

Dear Mia,
I think I recognize the wriggling butt movement when you swing. Reminds me of somebody I know. Wanna go out some time? Signed Admirer

Dear Neil,
Go play with your own shaft.

Web www.annualpartee.com
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