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Novenber 18th, 2006
Results At Gold Canyon
What a way to finish up the year!! It was a perfect day and Sidewinder was in excellent shape; a good time was had by all. And, to help get us ready for all that turkey on Thanksgiving, we all got a little exercise with it being cart path only – some of us got a lot more than others.

We didn't have as many of our regular members out this month, so we only paid out the first two places in each flight. But, we had a lot of new players join us this month. Dennis Richards decided not only to subject his son Eric to the fun on course, but at the nineteenth hole as well. Some other new players were Don Craig, Joey Billington, and Gene McQuarters. We also had our first participants from an external web link that Jim set up for us and they came with their A-game – Sue Ritz (78) and Rod Sadler (74). Ray Patlen thought he'd have a better chance of keeping the winning streak alive with his brother-in-law Rob Vicci, but Todd showed him (see results below). Welcome to all the new players and we hope you enjoyed yourselves and will join us again next year.

Larry Reeves finally came out on top over his son this month, Larry and his partner, Chris Hain, won 1st place in the A-flight with a score of 63. But, junior Reeves wasn't far behind – Jeremy and Rick Chrzanowski won second with a 64. Maybe this will give Rick the confidence in his game to get into the side action.

The B-flight was won by Todd Doty & Don Craig with a low score of 59. Too bad Todd didn't trust his new partner enough to get in the side action – they would have won the tie

breaker. Second place went to Ben Cartago & Jim Nibali with a score of 63. I guess Ben has gotten over missing Harley as his partner.

Karen Behrens was back with her old partner and hubby, Paul Thomforde, and was able to pull off first place in the C-Flight with an impressive 59. They also took down the side action. Loretta Braun & Ericka Hambley won second place with a score of 60.

To give you an idea of how well we all scored, last place went to even par. There was a tie between Marc Postovit & Paul Keegan and Bob Shobert & Joey Billington. Marc & Paul won the tie breaker #1 handicap hole with a score of 9 vs. Bob and Joey's 5.

Longest Drive
Ray Patlen did get some consolation by hitting the longest drive for men on hole number eleven. There was a little mix up with the woman's longest drive, the course only put out one placard for the men. So, based on the women member's honesty and best recollection, the award went to Ericka Hambley.

Other Results
Jeremy and Rick may have had to settle for second place, but they each got a Closest to the Pin: # 2 – Jeremy Reeves, # 4 – Rick Chrzanowski. The other Closest to the Pins went to: # 7 – Rob Herder # 10 – Don Pierce, and #14 - Sue Ritz.

The Longest Putt on # 15 went to Cos Iannelli – good to see you back out Cos.

November 18th, 2006
A Word From President Ed

Well, it's hard to believe another year has past. 2006 was an excellent one for APGC. We started out strong with our first every charity event and ended up on a high note at Gold Canyon.

I'd like to thank the APGC staff for all of their hard work before, during and after each tournament. You really do make me look good, like I'm actually doing something! I'd like to thank Sam Owen, Sol, and Mia Isabella Owen for getting the newsletter going again – we've been getting good feedback.

So, in closing, the APGC wishes you and yours a very happy and safe holiday season. And, we'll see you in February.

More 19th Hole

We did have a special prize given at this monthly tournament. Since Ed lost so many balls at last months outing, we all chipped in to get Ed some replacements balls. Okay, so we picked up a bunch of range balls and wrote eD on them. So look for those in the rough and the desert next time out, that's where they'll end up. All we can say is that Kwami should have known better to pick Ed as his blind partner – because that's how he shot.

We hope that Andy Christy's back heals up over our two month hiatus – it's really been hurting from carrying Sol every month.

We don't hear much about Greg Canoy and Todd Minder any more– last year they were tearing up the courses, this year we usually find them in a quiet corner nursing their beers along with bruised egos. Cheer up - next year could be your come back year!

We would like to extend the best of luck to Santhosh Srirambhatla who is returning to his home land of India. He started out golfing with the weekly ParTee league this past summer shooting in the 70's for nine holes and is now shooting well enough to win some money. Sure, just take our money and run!!

Letters to Sam Owen:

Dear Sam,
President Ed has one of the best practice swings I've ever seen, but he's got the ugliest golf swing when he tries to hit the ball. Does he need to take lessons? Signed Swing Doctor

Dear M. Postovit,
Everybody agrees with you but we are too sensitive to talk about President Ed's nasty swing in public. Ed's been swinging in this manner for years and that tells us that he finds peace and comfort in swinging the club with his eyes closed.

Dear Sam,
I'm still not clear about the club's number one rule of having wild sex with your loved one for four hours. Please explain the requirement if both players are club members and both play in the tournament. We promote family values by playing and being together, so why should we have wild sex for four hours. Signed Need Clarification

Dear Paul,
You got too much time on your hands sending us these questions. She does play in our tournaments. She's the one who hits the ball far and straight when she wriggles her butt before the swing. I wasn't looking because I'm married, but that's how it was described to me.

Dear Sam,
I sort of met somebody new and she needed a demonstration of the club's number one rule so I had to cancel playing at the Sidewinder and apply myself to perform up to the club's standard. My golf partner was not happy with me canceling, but how do I explain and make him understand that I needed all my strength to defend the clubs honor. Signed, Stripper A Go Go

Dear Denny,
We all hoped you executed the rule in a satifactory manner. If you didn't, you have until February to practice until you get it right. Your partner Ed plays with his eyes close so he probably didn't know you were missing in action.

Web www.annualpartee.com
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