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June 23rd, 2007
Results at The Legacy
We had a perfect day for golf; it didn't break 100 degrees until we were finishing up the last three or four holes – not bad for late June in AZ. We had a great turn out. Thanks to Marc Neil who brought along the Westside Tad Loopies again this month – for those of you who weren't with us last month, welcome to the ParTee! We also added an extra treat this month with lunch afterwards, I don't think anyone walked away hungry – Karen complained there wasn't any food left by the time she finished scoring. The Legacy really knows how to treat the ParTee.

It's good to know that Sam's cousin, Mia Isabella Owen, is back from a long hiatus helping Sam out with the newsletter. It's about time!!

There were some low scoring teams this month – the side action was won by a new pairing of Dennis Richards and Neil Herslow with a net 58. Dennis – maybe you should take back some of those bad things you've said about Neil at league.

Unfortunately, a 58 was only good for second place in the C-Flight. 5th place was won by a tie breaker going to Frank Armenta & Sam Gallardo with a score of 62. 1st place in the C-Flight was taken by tying the tournament low score of 57 by Bob Turner and Rollin Stoner. Is that not the best name ever – can't imagine what his parents were doing when he was conceived!!

The A-Flight was won by Fred Buelna & Dennis Sealy with a very respectable team score of 60. Second place went to Jeff Davis & Dave Prothe with a 62. A-Flight 5th place was taken by Keith Kraushaar (you're a luck man!!) & Bari Margolf

with a score of 64. Were do you think he found her – good looking and she can golf – unreal!

The B-Flight was won by another new twosome, John Vaita & Marc Neil, who also shot the tournament low score of 57. Second place went to Hal Nurka & Bob Kohl, who shot a score of 60. Fifth place finishers, Ricky Clark & Fred Hickman, shot a 62.

Longest Drive

The Longest Drive for Men was won by John Vaita on #2 and the longest drive for Women was won by Pat Bratton on #10.

Other Results

Closest to the Pin # 4 - Denny Andrew, # 7 - Fred Buelna, # 11 - Marc Neil, # 15 - Bari Margolf, # 17 - Kip Deist

Longest Putt – Bob Turner

AnnualPartee Motto
Someone from the Westside Tad Loopies asked how The AnnualPartee Club's motto went. Here it is: “We play once a year…every month.”

Item of Interest

We're sad to say that one of our own was unable to join us this month due to an injury. Jenny Tobin is out of commission for a while due to breaking her arm walking her dog while riding her bike. This, by the way, is harder than walking and chewing gum! Jenny our thoughts and prayers are with you – get well soon!

June 23rd, 2007
A word from President Denny Andrew

First, I want to thank and congratulate my staff for doing an excellent job in managing the success of this tournament. You are my hero's, and I want my step-son Neil to be just like you when he grows up. I would also like to thank the folks at the Legacy for being excellent hosts.

My fellow club members, we have been given an opportunity to work with the Voice Of Influence, Courage, and Encouragement (VOICE) group to lend a hand to income disadvantage Americans the majority being abused women and single mothers who are wanting to break free from government assistance into a self directed life. Friends, lets support this effort. Let us be the warriors in this battle and swing our clubs to free our brothers and sisters to become self sufficient. Our tournament in September at the Legacy will be our opportunity to work together with VOICE to raise a war chest to fight this battle. Thank You and God Bless, President Deny

More 19th Hole

Marc Neil and John Vaita or the chicken little team of the tournament as they did not sign up for the side action bet with a score of 57. They could've walked away with some easy money, but they were scaird.

Before President Deny made his speech that nobody listened to, he had to clarify that he wasn't cussing or saying anything bad when he says Tad Loopie. One of the Loopie ladies explained that no, a Loopie is good and sexy. Tad Loopie is when you keep it bottled up.

What is a Tad Loopie? Stayed tuned, Ben Cartago who is our research analyst is on it. He will report his findings in the next newsletter.

Next Tournament

The next tournament is slated for July 21 at Tapatio Cliffs. Shotgun starts promptly at 7:30 a.m.; please arrive by 6:30 a.m. for registration and to hit free range balls. Sign up is available on the web site – www.annualpartee.com.

Letters to Sam Owen:

Dear Sam,
Where the heck has Mia I. Owen been? And is that why it's been taking you so long to get the newsletter written – she's proven to be the real talent? Signed Bated Breath

Dear Neil,
There are no pictures in these newsletters, so you aren't fooling anyone by saying you “read them for their articles.” Now there's an idea…..

Dear Sam,
I'm a member of the Tad Loopie club, are we supposed to follow the AnnualPartee's number rule of having wild sex for four hours after the tournament. Signed, Curious

Dear Curious,
Yes ma'am. You are automatically a club member when you play the “once a year every month” tournament. Four hours of wild sex may be too much in the beginging, but you can fake it, he won't know.

Dear Sam,
There was wine tasting at Ed's house in Ahwatukee comparing the California Pinot Noir to the Pinots from Oregon. The California Pinot was by far the superior wine. The Oregon Pinot gave me tukee breath. Singed Breathless

Dear Ray,
Your breath already smelled like tukee before the wine tasting started. It's good to know that you went home immediately after the tournament and performed the club's number one rule before you went to Ed's house to drink wine.

Dear Sam,
Don't tell anybody, but the Tad Loopies don't have to do that four hour wild sex rule you guys talk about, right ?

Dear Marc,
Yes you have to do the nasty for four hours. You can always fake it by drinking that Pinot Noir from Oregon. It gives you tukee breath and nobody will notice. That's what those fakers Tim, Larry, and Ray do and play it off like they did it.

Web www.annualpartee.com
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